Friday, November 28, 2008

He's a natural

This is so cute I had to post it!!! This is my adorable nephew Drew playing Guitar Hero World Tour with his Daddy in our living room.....ignore the obvious mess from unpacking Christmas presents (yes we have already had 1 of our Christmas's with my family)
even more rockin.....

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Not nice

I still love you red raiders :)

Go OSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Go Red Raiders!!!!!!!!

if you are thinking to yourself that you don't care about football or Texas Tech, go ahead and scroll down, I made another post today.
I just had to add this video I found on Steph's site. We have all been affected by the fever and love the feeling of pride we feel when we get to watch Tech have the kind of season they have had.

We were lucky enough to go to the Homecoming game....thanks Mom & Dad!!!!!!
We also know one of the players and it is thrilling to see Bryan #57 flying across the line and the power in his tackle.
In this video from ESPN, the fireman Brad Jones is a friend of mine and it is just surreal to see him on national television.

Raider!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Power!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can move on

I am making this post because I have been thinking Christmas thoughts and I am playing catch up :)

I have loved seeing all the other "fall" posts and cute halloween costumes on my friends blogs but have been negligent about posting mine.

This is me carving my pumpkin, I don't have a picture of it and it is long ago in the trash :(

I did get a picture of Jeff's pumpkin, it won 3rd place in the carving contest we went to :)

I actually had decided not to post any fall/halloween pictures but Davis has been asking me when I am going to put pictures of him in his costume so here they are...................beware they are a bit scary :)
He has already been a pirate previously so this year he wanted to be a skeleton pirate.
I told him I had never seen a skeleton with dimples :)
He did get sad because he scared the smallest children at the carnival so I'm not sure he will go scary again.

Monday, November 10, 2008

I heart Kimba!!!!!!

I won!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still can't believe it :)

I am just browsing through my regular blogs that I must check daily and am kinda talking to myself about how Kimba has me adding ANOTHER item to my to-do list with her new silhoutte ornaments when I have just got my husband to thinking about making the monogram wreath that i forwarded him last week (also from her sight). Imagine my surprise when I continue reading and discover I have won a mother's necklace!!!!

Kimba is part of a group of popular bloggers that are featuring Mom crafters this holiday season. Click here to shop!! They are encouraging us to buy from these Mom's that help support their families by creating and selling their creations. There is a wide range of choices and amazing items to choose from and the idea is to buy from these Mom's instead of from commercial chains. Kimba has taken it a step further and is highlighting different Mom's on her blog and offering giveaways! I know!!!!!!! I have been inspired and even considering how I might make my own "shop" but as most things go, I will stew about it forever first.
Can I just take a minute to tell you how beautiful this necklace is that I WON.......I am in awe of this wonderful talented woman that Kimba featured so I am putting her link here for her Etsy shop called MoppetsClosets (even the name is sweet). Here is a picture of it :) Thank you Kimba and MoppetsClosets!!!!!!

sidenote: now I know why I had a TON of visitors from Kimba's site this weekend and I am so embarrased that I have been a lazy blogger lately :( I wish I was as talented as her but I am inspired and trying!